
The first semester of 110 academic year CHU deals with epidemic situation’s courses teaching related announcements.

According to the resolution of the 6th meeting on epidemic prevention in the 110 academic year of CHU, distance education will be implemented from 09/13 (一) to 09/26 (日), and will be adjusted to physics class from 09/27 (一) according to the epidemic situation.
In response to the epidemic situation, matters needing attention in this semester's courses selection are as follows: the time of add and withdrawal from the courses selection: 110/09/08~110/09/22, and choosing courses in two stages.

The first stage:
110/09/08 (三) ~ 110/09/18 (六) general online courses selection for old students.
110/09/13 (一) ~ 110/09/18 (六) courses selection for graduate students (Ph.D. and Master classes) & two-year on-job vocational classes (freshman) (all course selections are according to the rules stipulated by various departments at the above time).

The second stage:
110/09/19 (日) ~ 110/09/22 (三) the cross-departmental network courses selection of the whole school is a comprehensive network courses selection, without paper.

Please link to the courses selection calendar: http://aa.chu.edu.tw/var/file/49/1049/img/365/566963388.pdf