- 點擊「Register」申請投稿帳號
Click to “Register” to apply for a submissions account.
- 輸入個人資料,紅色標註為必填,填寫完畢輸入驗證碼點擊「Register」提交申請
Please enter your personal information. The marked in red are required. After completing the form, enter the verification code and click "Register" to submit your application.
- 登入信箱確認驗證信
Please verify it by clicking the activation link that has been sent to this email address.
- 點選「Conference」選擇投稿會議
Click to ”Conference” to choose submissions conference.
- 點選「All Conferences」,關鍵字輸入IACSBBE2023搜尋
Click on "All Conferences" and enter the keyword "IACSBBE2023" to search.
- 點選「2023 International Academic Conference on Academic Conference on Sustainability in Business and Business Education」
Click on "2023 International Academic Conference on Academic Conference on Sustainability in Business and Business Education"